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Unit Metrics - January 2025
page updated: February 6, 2025Scroll down for the detailed data on each unit, or click the following button to open the details on its own page.
Cub Scout Packs
Cub Scouts
22% (or 20) of our Packs are in distress (as judged by a UH score of 0 to 2 out of 6)
11% of our Packs have a perfect score, while 30% are rated very good (at 5 or 6 out of 6).
58% of Packs meet the minimum size of 20 youth.
65% of Packs have had y2y positive growth.
100 percent of Packs have had 30% or more of their youth advance in the last year.
46.7% have both Cubmaster and Committee Chair Trained, down sharply since November due to changing definitions.
61 Key 2 members and 166 additional direct contact leaders have not completed all required training.
193 Committee Members are not fully trained.
30% have sufficient registered adults, strongly down from the 42% in October.
Only 61% of units use the Summer Programs of Day and Resident Camp in this or other councils.
See the tabs below for more information on this data.
Scouts BSA Troops
Scouts BSA
7% (or 9) of our troops are in distress (as judged by a UH score of 0 to 2 out of 6).
17% (21) have a perfect score, and 38% (58) are very good, with scores of 5 or 6 out of 6.
57% of Troops are of minimum size.
65% of Troops have had y2y positive growth.
Only 47% have both Scoutmaster and Committee Chair Trained.
73 Key 2 members and 210 additional direct contact leaders have not completed all required training.
501 Committee Members are not fully trained.
83% have sufficient registered adults.
84% of the troops report attending summer camp..
84% of Troops have at least 30 percent of scouts who have advanced in rank in the last year.
See the tabs below for more information on this data.
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