Unit Renewal
for Unit Key 3
This page is to help you understand the new process for unit renewal. Much of the process described comes from https://www.scouting.org/resources/unit-and-membership-renewal/ on the national website.
Youth and adult leader membership renewal is separated from the unit renewal process.
The process was very simple and I really appreciated all the instructions and steps sent out. Took the guesswork out of everything.
- Cubmaster, Canal District
Below are the steps to renew your unit. Scroll down to see
Job Aids, Forms, and FAQ.
Press the red button to see the turn-in options and deadlines.
- Steps to an online renewal of your unit
Step 1 Log in to my.scouting
At My.Scouting.org and go to Organization Manager (Unit Leader, committee chair, chartered organization representative, or designee have access).
Step 2 Click On "Unit Renewal" on the menu
Step 3 Validate Information on the menu.
If registered, your unit renewal is good through 12/31/2024.
Step 4 Make Changes to Leadership Positions if needed
Designate your leadership by selecting among the registered adult leaders on your roster.
Have leaders take Youth Protection Training if needed.
Great Trail YPT Expiration Dates
The council will expunge members who allow their YPT to lapse on these dates in 2024. Registrations will be expired by the end of business (5:00 pm EST) if not showing as current in My.Scouting.org records.March 27, 2024
April 26
May 29
June 26
July 29
August 28
September 26
October 29
November 22
December 18, 2024
Step 5 Validate whether your leaders have the required training.
The Great Trail Council has a policy that our unit leaders must have Position Specific Training.
Hazardous Weather Training is also required for all "direct contact" leaders.
The unit renewal process only checks for valid YPT. The Unit Leader should be certain that all training is up to date before you post your renewal.
Step 6 E-sign the Page
Add the signature (E-sign) in the required field.
Step 7 Pay and Submit
You may choose to pay online or at the council office. If you choose to pay at the council office, there will be a form you need to print out and include in any submission or turn in.
Step 8 Turn in Forms (See #3 below)
See below for the forms you must turn in.
2. (Support) Job Aids - For Unit Renewal
links are to scouting.org
HELP Needed? Contact your District Commissioner for assistance.
3. Forms for the Unit Renewal Process
To be physically turned in, in person (which is preferred or by email)3A. Forms to be submitted by all units
A marked-up roster printed from your unit renewal process
Adventure fee Tracking form (instructions on the form)
Print a Unit Roster and mark it up
We are asking our units to
(a) print off a roster,
(b) cross off anyone that is not renewing, and
(c) use that to tally how many scouts for which an adventure fee is due.
Submit the Adventure Fee Tracking Form
This is a pdf fillable form. You can complete it on your computer then save and print it out. Or you can print it out, treat it as a blank form and complete it in ink. This form is due at your district turn-in date.
open this form in a separate window. (pdf)
Further details about the Adventure Fee
Open this form in its own window (pdf)
3B. Forms to be submitted by units chartered to an organization other than Great Trail Council
The Annual Unit Charter Agreement
The Annual Unit Charter Agreement (for Chartered Organizations other than the Great Trail Council)
updated 10/22/2024

3C. Forms to be submitted by units registered to the Great Trail Council
You must submit the following forms
Facility Use Agreement
2025 Annual Agreement for Council Registered Units
GTC Inventory form
Annual Unit Finance report.
pay the trailer insurance premium
For more information about being a unit chartered to the Great Trail Council visit the Council Registered Units page.
Facility Use and Indemnity Agreement
updated 10/22/2024

The Annual Agreement for Council Registered Units
updated 10/22/2024

GTC Inventory Form

Annual Unit Finance Report

4. FAQs
When can a unit begin the unit renewal process?
Unit Renewal begins two months before the unit expiration date, and then there is a three-month lapsed period to allow for late renewal.
Who can submit the unit renewal?
The Unit Key 3 can renew the unit and renew members if needed.
Does the COR delegate have access as well?
Yes, they will.
Is a unit required to pay their renewal fee online?
No, there is an option for ACH, Credit Card, or pay at the council office.
Can a unit designate which families they will be paying for while others are family pay?
Yes. The unit can designate who they are paying for.
How can the COR sign
The COR can log in to Organization Manager and sign the form and then process the renewal, or any of the Unit Key-3 can sign. Key 3 delegates cannot approve the renewals (not sure about this latter point)
How can we avoid delays?
The new process is much simpler but the two things you can do before you go to renew the unit charter is to
check in Roster and see if all your adult leaders are current with YPT, and then
check to see if you have any “aged out” youth, Scouts BSA that are now 18 years old as an example.
Will Charter agreement forms still be needed?
Will Units have the option to pay for their members?
Units will be able to choose to pay renewals.
You can learn about the unit and membership renewal process at Scouting.org at this link. Unit and Membership Renewal on Scouting.org