Home > Unit and Membership Renewal > Unit Renewal > deadlines Page last updated: November 14, 2024

Unit Renewal Turn-in deadlines

Make sure you have all signatures before turning anything in.

 Financial Aid Forms are due by November 20 in order to be considered.  (the form is on our fees page and needs to be submitted to adventurefee@gtcscouting.org) Awards will be made by November 27. 

Final Turn-in Deadline: December 13, 2024

All online renewal actions in my.scouting, all required forms and payments must be completed by December 13, 2024 to assure timely renewal. 

Preferred Turn-in dates by District

We strongly prefer that you turn in at the following times:

Canal district

Crooked River District

Soaring Eagle District

Stambaugh District

If you miss one of the in-person turn-in dates

(1) Contact your District Commissioner or District Executive to make special arrangements, or

(2) Turn in all forms at the Scout Service Center. Do not wait until December 13 to do this so there will be time for this to be checked for completeness.

Q. Can I email everything in? 

A. No, at least not yet. 

As of 11/15/2024 do not email any documents until this message is gone. We need to prepare to handle their receipt, including what email address to use.

To email all of your forms:

Sign all documents

Signatures need to be in ink on every form that requires a signature before scanning the form. If you are not comfortable scanning originals into pdf documents, please use another method of turn-in. (this needs verified). 

Name (and save) each file you are sending with your unit number. 

Make sure you name each document with your unit name first so we can easily sort these out. For example, the Adventure Fee Tracking form should be named Pack_1234_Adventure_Fee Tracking_form (if you are Pack 1234).  Before you email, make sure all of your documents are attached and are each named with your unit number first. 

Attach all required files to your email

Send to (email deliberately missing until we are ready to receive by email)

Units with Chartered Organizations (not a GTC Registered Unit)

Email the following (do not email unless you have all three documents in pdf format attached and named appropriately).

Units Registered to the Great Trail Council

Email the following  (do not email unless you have all 6-7 documents in pdf format attached and named appropriately).